COhatch, a coworking and office space provider founded in Columbus, has partnered with local nonprofit, Star House, to make a larger impact for unhoused youth. Whether you’ve utilized COhatch locations for work or play, the company is committed to providing more ways to connect with the Columbus community and make a difference with their latest project.

*This article is sponsored by COhatch and written by Experience Columbus staff.


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COhatch's partnership with Star House aims to transform the lives of local youth exiting homelessness.


Its new partnership with Star House, a social service agency that operates Central Ohio's only drop-in center for unhoused youth, aims to transform the lives of youth exiting homelessness with much needed resources like job preparation, education, health care, and more. The initiative between COhatch and Star House, announced in November 2023, entails a $500,000+ renovation alongside other businesses to give back by remodeling and renovating 62 apartments at Carol Stewart Village, along with other community areas including a dog park, community coworking center, community garden, and more.


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The initiative between COhatch and Star House includes remodeling and renovations of 62 apartments at Carol Stewart Village, along with other community areas.


“Businesses, large and small, talk about their commitment to the community, and this is the perfect project to showcase their talents, skills and make a donation to support a cause that affects our community in many ways,” said Matt Davis, Cofounder and CEO of COhatch.

Founded in 2016, COhatch is an innovative work solutions provider and community space that aims to be the “Town Hall 2.0” – a work, social and family space that’s built on community. COhatch and its founders chose to work alongside Star House because they continue to show up for local youth and provide resources that change lives. With this partnership and project underway, COhatch believes that by doing what they do best, developing community spaces for more connection and collaboration, Star House can continue to widen its impact. Davis says,  “We have always been committed to our community, but this project really shows how much we can do when we all pitch in. One of our favorite quotes at COhatch is: ‘Individually, we are a drop, but together we are an ocean,” and we hope other local businesses and individuals will volunteer with us to make this project a reality.”   


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COhatch is a community space that provides innovative work solutions and is committed to providing more ways to connect with the Columbus community.


If you’re interested in donating or volunteering to make the Star House renovation a reality, you can find out more information about this project here. This community development project is just another reason why Columbus is one of the top ranked cities in the United States and was named by Forbes as a Top 10 places for young professionals to live in 2023. If you’re in the area and looking for unique ways to impact the community, visit Star House or consider a COhatch while you’re here in Columbus to work, meet, live, and collaborate with our great community members!