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Green Meetings & Wellness Services

Columbus is known for being a green and clean community, thanks to its forward-thinking sustainability practices. Read on for more information on Columbus' sustainability practices and wellness services.

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Green Meetings

Managed by the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Stewardship, the Get Green Columbus initiative focuses on sustainable city operations and community collaboration. This initiative encompasses a wide range of areas including everything from renewable energy and green building design to conserving natural resources and RecyColumbus, a popular residential recycling program.

Regionally, the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) and the Ohio EPA collaborated to create evolving guidelines for Sustainable Events throughout the Central Ohio area. Inspired by the ASTM Standards for Environmentally Sustainable Meetings, Events, Trade Shows and Conferences and the United Nations’ Green Meeting Guide, these guidelines provide a collection of environmental, social and economic sustainability practices that can be implemented by those planning or servicing the various components of a conference or event. The Sustainable Events Guideline can be found here.

The City of Columbus has won several awards for its sustainability efforts, which you can learn more about here. In late 2018, the city won the Bloomberg Climate Challenge, which includes more than $2.5 million in funding and in-kind technical consulting to accelerate efforts to reduce carbon emissions over a two-year period.

Experience Columbus and the Greater Columbus Sports Commission

Experience Columbus is a member of the city’s GreenSpot Columbus program, designed to educate and recognize businesses that adopt green practices. An employee-led Green Team serves as stewards of the program and works to implement positive, sustainable changes within the organization and the community through lunch-and-learns, fundraising, service projects and more.

Proof of our commitment to green meetings can be found in the fact that Columbus is the first NCAA Women’s Final Four host city to receive “Evergreen” Sustainability Certification from the National Council for Responsible Sport. Learn more here.

Greater Columbus Convention Center Green Initiatives

The Greater Columbus Convention Center is committed to sustainable meetings. Learn more.

smartfarm graphic recycling graphic energy efficient graphic green seal
Indoor Hydroponic Smart Farm Single-stream Recycling Energy-efficient HVAC & Lighting Green Seal Cleaning Products


We understand the importance of wellness and look forward to supporting every group’s personal and professional well-being initiatives. Healthy activities to enhance each attendee’s conference experience could include:

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Workout Sessions Juice Bar Healthy Snacks Meditations Massage Chairs

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