Columbus Photos and Videos
Experience Columbus offers numerous photos and videos for planners to use when promoting an upcoming meeting, event, conference or trade show. Feel free to embed any of these videos in promotional materials or download additional items from the links below to use as needed.
Photos and Videos
Access our photos and videos through this Portal. Learn how to gain access and details on our media policy below.
Media Library Policy And Procedures
To request access to the Experience Columbus Media Library, please email Audrey Hall at The media within these galleries may only be used editorially by media and meeting/group tour planners to promote Columbus as a vibrant and attractive convention and tourist destination. Any other use of the photos is considered commercial and is strictly prohibited.
Photos and/or videos provided by Experience Columbus may not be duplicated for another party, reprinted for a project other than intended with the original request, shared to another organization or sold for any purpose. Photos must be printed or displayed to the highest possible quality in full color at all times.
In addition, the Experience Columbus Media Gallery URL and log in information may NOT be shared with any other organization or person.
Photo Credit
All photos must include proper identification and photo credit information whenever possible. Photo credit details are provided by Experience Columbus in the data of the media via the galleries provided.
Follow Up
In exchange for the use of Experience Columbus images/video, we request that you send a copy of the article, brochure or collateral materials or a link to your website where our photos appear to Audrey Hall at
If photos appear online, please include a link to where appropriate.