Submit an Event
The events calendar is the most popular section of our website. Make sure your event is listed so that it can be found by visitors and considered for other marketing uses such as social media posts, our This Weekend in Columbus e-newsletter and more.
Please note the calendar only lists events with broad appeal that would interest visitors outside of Columbus, such as festivals, sporting events, live music, visual arts and events of that nature.
How Do I Submit an Event?
If you are a partner with Experience Columbus:
The easiest way to submit your event is through the partner portal. Please watch the "Add & Update Events" video found here for step-by-step instructions.
If you need help accessing your portal, please contact our Partnerships Coordinator, Joseline Martinez-Cortez, at
If you are not a partner with Experience Columbus:
Please create an Organizational account with Ohio EventFinder (OEF). Once OEF approves your account (which may take a couple of days), you will be able to submit all of your events moving forward. Your submissions will be automatically sent to our team, which will be reviewed for approval before displaying on our calendar.
By entering them once, all events will be shared with us, TourismOhio and Ohio Magazine. Cultural and arts events will also be listed on and If you have any questions about Ohio Event Finder, please contact Nick Dekker at
Note: If you plan to submit a non-arts event (including sporting events), please notify our Marketing Coordinator, Erin George, at OEF is typically used for arts events only, so your account may be automatically denied if we do not notify their team of your submission.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will my event be approved?
All approved events must be open to the public. The calendar typically only includes leisure events with broad appeal, such as festivals, sporting events, concerts, interactive workshops and art exhibitions. Fundraisers, kids camps, open houses and other events may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. General business advertisements are not permitted. For general promotion, please consider a partnership with Experience Columbus.
Why isn’t my event showing up?
We receive event submissions to our database every night. Once submissions are received, there is an approval and processing period before events will appear on our website. To allow plenty of time for promotion, we encourage you to submit your event several weeks (or months) in advance.
Why is my event information different from what I submitted?
Experience Columbus staff serve as editors of event submissions. The content you submit may be edited for the visitor audience, to ensure all details are complete or to reflect our marketing guidelines.
Additionally, Experience Columbus does not receive modifications you make to an event after it has been submitted. Please contact us if you wish to make edits to an existing event on the calendar.
Do Experience Columbus partners receive additional exposure?
It’s free for anyone to post an appropriate event to our calendar. Partner events are candidates for additional exposure, such as a feature in our email newsletters or in other marketing materials.
I'm an artist with an upcoming performance or exhibition in Columbus, but I'm not affiliated with an organization. What should I do?
Please reach out to the event location/venue and ask them to submit for you. There's a good chance they are already a partner with Experience Columbus or have an Ohio EventFinder account and will be happy to submit your event for promotion.
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