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Community Survey

Conducted by SMARInsights for Experience Columbus

Experience Columbus is inviting you to take a survey to share your perceptions of Columbus and give your feedback about tourism in our community. The results will help us invite visitors to our city in a way that is authentic for the people who live and work here. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We appreciate your time and thank you for participating.


Q: Who is SMARInsights?
A: Strategic Marketing & Research Inc. (SMARI) was established in 1983 and provides personalized consultation and fully integrated research services on a national and international scale.

Q: Why are we doing this survey? 
A: To position Columbus as the destination to live, work and visit. 

Q: Who can take it/how is it being administered?
A: People who live and work in Columbus are encouraged to take the survey. Please click on the “take the survey” link above.

Q: What is the survey timeframe? 
A: The community survey will be available through May 31.

Q: When will results be shared? 
A: Results will be shared by the end of 2023 through our public relations team. All results will impact the future brand positioning of Columbus.